Compared to MP3, Opticodec's aacPlus codec provides a better than 60% improvement in audio quality versus bit rate, reducing network streaming bandwidth requirements and costs accordingly. Stations encoded with Opticodec can be experienced through the new RealPlayer速 10 or Winamp 5.08 and on a growing number of WAP enabled cell phones.

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The software lets streaming providers supply content encoded with the Coding Technologies® AAC / HE AAC / aacPlus codec, widely acknowledged as offering the highest available audio quality at the lowest possible bit rate. Heredis aide chaque jour 100 000 amateurs et professionnels trouver leurs anctres et crer de superbes arbres gnalogiques. Le site de coolghost est actuellement en maintenance. Opticodec offers the most important feature that the basic netcaster is looking for in an encoding product entertainment-quality sound at economical bit-rates. Anymp4 mac video enhancement 8 2 10 full. Opticodec-PC is the first MPEG-4 AAC/aacPlus encoding software for high quality streaming audio.