Celtx storyboarding
Celtx storyboarding

You enter an e-mail address and define if the person you are sharing with is a writer or a reader for your screenplay. Since it’s an online application you are able to share your screenplays with others.

celtx storyboarding

The colours are preselected and you can choose between blue, pink, yellow, green, goldenrod, salmon and cherry. You also get a revision mode if you want to colour your changes. You can jump through the different format styles like in any other screenwriting software with TAB and ENTER. It needs a bit of getting used to if you ask me. The only difference is – like in the “old” desktop version – celtx makes all you scene headlines grey. Like any other screenwriting software it formats you screenplay properly while you write it. If you only use it for writing it costs nada. Celtx offers a bunch of other features if you want to use it for production purposes as well (see below for paid options). If you want to use it for writing that is. The disadvantage is: if you don’t have an internet connection there is (no more) free way to edit your scripts (see below for paid options) The advantage is you can access your scripts from anywhere, given you have an internet connection.

celtx storyboarding

The desktop version of the program is no longer produced or distributed. Celtx now is 100% integrated in your web browser.


Until a few years ago celtx was a desktop application for you to download and install on your hard drive. Celtx is one of the most known free writing software packages around.

Celtx storyboarding