Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) Charts.Instrument Departure Procedure (DP) Charts.Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) Charts.IFR Navigation charts consist of the following: Have a longer life span than other charts and may be current for several years, updated as requested.In addition, pictorial symbols, roads, and easily identified geographical features are portrayed.Information depiction includes helicopter routes, four classes of heliports with associated frequency and lighting capabilities, NAVAIDs, and obstructions.
#Uk air navigation charts series#

#Uk air navigation charts free#
Covers the Grand Canyon National Park area and is designated to promote aviation safety, flight free zones, and facility VFR navigation in this popular area.Information depicted includes offshore mineral leasing areas and blocks, oil drilling platforms, and high density helicopter activity areas.Designated primarily for helicopter operation in the Gulf of Mexico area.Charts are revised every 56 days, except Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands revised annually.Areas with TAC coverage are indication by a dot on the Sectional Chart indexes.Charted VFR Flyway Planning Charts are published on the back of the existing VFR Terminal Area Charts.Should be used by pilots intending to operate to or from airfields within or near Class B or class C airspace.While similar to sectional charts, TACs have more detail because the scale is larger.TACs depict the airspace designated as Class B airspace.Revised every 56 days, except most Alaskan charts are revised annually.